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What are the fees for listing on Foraged?

It costs zero dollars to list your products on Foraged! You will only be charged fees on products sold on our marketplace. 

When a customer orders from Foraged, we create an order in the system and Foraged charges customers for their order. As a vendor, you will see the order in your Vendor Dashboard in the Orders tab. When the order is delivered, Foraged deducts the cost of shipping labels purchased from Foraged, coupons offered by the vendor, and all fees from the customer’s total purchase price and add a credit line item to the Get Paid tab. 

In order to offset the costs of running, advertising your products, and paying our team, Foraged takes 10% of the total the customer pays for an order. In addition, Stripe incurs a fee of 2.9% and $.30 per transaction.

You can see the breakdown of specific orders in the Orders section of the Vendor Dashboard. Additionally, you can see a full list of your orders with the associated deductions in the Get Paid section when you export your Withdrawal table.

Here’s a breakdown of the fields in the Withdrawal table so it’s clear on what everything means and how everything is calculated: 

  • Date: The date the order is created
  • Type: Type of transaction (withdrawal or credit).
    • Every time and order is delivered and marked complete, a credit is made to your account in the amount of the order (see Net Total), which increases your balance by the amount of the credit.
    • When you withdraw your balance, it creates a withdraw line item and decreases your balance by the amount of the withdrawal.
  • Balance: Total balance in the account after the transaction (withdrawal or credit) is completed.
  • Amount: Total amount of the transaction (withdrawal or credit) in the account.
  • Order ID: The Order ID of the order that was completed and deposited in a credit transaction.
  • Customer Subtotal: Total amount the customer paid for order items.
  • Customer Shipping: Total amount the customer paid for shipping.
  • Vendor Coupon Discount: Total amount of vendor coupons the customer applied to the order. 
  • Customer Total: Total amount the costumer paid for the order.
    • Consists of the subtotal and shipping minus the vendor coupon discount.
    • Does not take into account any discounts offered by Foraged. 
  • Foraged Fees: Fees charged by Foraged for the order.
    • Amount of fee is 10% of the customer total, unless the order was generated through the Zero Fee feature, in which case Foraged takes no fee.
  • Vendor Purchased Shippo Label: Amount of any Shippo labels purchased by the vendor through Foraged. 
  • Stripe Fees: Fees charged by Stripe. 
  • Net Total: Total amount credited to the vendor account for the order.
    • This is the customer total minus foraged fees, Shippo labels purchased from Foraged, and Stripe fees.

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