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How to create a coupon

Foraged provides vendors with coupons to promote their shops and discount their products. Buyers can use coupons to receive discounts during checkout. You can share this discount code on social media, in direct messages, or anywhere else you communicate with your customers.

To create a coupon:

  1. Log into your Vendor Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the Coupons tab on the left-side menu.
  3. Click the + Add Coupon button on the top right corner.
  4. Choose between a Percentage and a FixedAmount.
    • If you have selected Fixed Amount, select whether you would like the coupon to be allocated to the Total Amount or have it be Item Specific.
  5. Create a custom coupon Code and choose the percentage or amount off that you would like to offer to customers.
    • Please only use uppercase letters and numbers in your code!
  6. Decide if you’d like to require a MinimumSpend amount to activate the coupon
    • For example: Receive $10 off if you spend more than $100
  7. Write a short description for your coupon.
  8. Use the Configuration toggles to set a Start DateExpiration Date, and/or Limit the Number of Redemptions if you would like.
  9. Apply any Conditions to the coupon that you wish to include. This allows you to limit the coupon to only the products, customer groups, or types of products that you select here.
  10. Click Publish Coupon on the top right corner of the page.
  11. Lastly, make sure your product(s) have been toggled on to be Discountable. You can check this by going to Products and clicking on the row(s) to edit your product information. Screenshot 2024-03-14 at 3.55.20 PM.png

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