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How to manage the pricing list

Price Lists are an easy way for you to change the pricing of all, or some, of your products at once. You can do so temporarily (and have a Sale) or permanently (and Override your prices). Keep reading to learn how to setup pricing lists for your store.

Here’s a quick video on how to add a price list.

  1. Log into the Vendor Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the Pricing tab in the left-side menu.
  3. Click + Add price list button.
  4. Select whether you would like to have a temporary Sale or more permanently Override your product pricing.
  5. Name your pricing list and add a brief description of the list for future reference.
  6. Add a Start Date and Expiry Date.
  7. Click the Prices section and then the Add Products Manually button to add products to the pricing list that you would like to adjust.
  8. After you have added all of the relevant products, simply click Add Prices next to each product you’d like to adjust the pricing to.
  9. Click Publish Pricing List at the top of the page when you are finished.

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