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How to get help before you order

Not ready to complete your purchase? We’d love to help! 

Ask the seller

For questions about items or shipping, contact the seller:

  1. On a listing page, click Message Seller.
  2. Type your question into the textbox.
  3. Click Send. The vendor will be notified of the new Inquiry and can respond.
  4. You will be notified via email when the seller responds to your message. You can also review any open conversations you have with sellers in the Messages section of your account.

I need an item quickly

If you find an item you want to order on Foraged, check the Shipping & Processing information on the right side of the listing page. You’ll see an estimate of either:

  • How many days it will take the seller to prepare your order to be ready to ship
  • When your order should arrive at your address

Feel free to message the vendor if you want to request an earlier delivery date than is indicated on the product listing page. Foraged sellers typically cannot guarantee a specific order date, so try to plan accordingly and give sellers appropriate time to accommodate your needs.

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